Saturday, November 24, 2007

Live Life Low Impact

1 comment:

What benefits do you get by hiring an EcoBroker®?

Imagine buying a new home, lowering your living expenses and contributing to the movement to save our natural resources all in one action!
Or imagine selling your home and getting a higher price then you ever imagined! Your property can continue to be a sustainable piece of Real Estate!
A home sustains us as we should enable it to sustain the environment in which it exists.

The process of becoming an Eco-Broker
® furthers my ability to help educate buyers and sellers of Real Property on how to transform their existing property or seek a new property that is “Energy Efficient and Comfortable” not only for the owners but also for the environment at large. Such transformations lead to reduced utility expenses, a more comfortable home, and if you’re selling; the ability to promote such attributes for a better return on your investment!
When looking for a green home there are many intricacies that an unaware Realtor® would overlook, so be sure to look for an Ecobroker®!

Daily Real Estate News |

Landscape Architects Thrive
Business remains good for the majority of landscape architects, despite a slowdown in the housing market, according to a survey by the American Society of Landscape Architects.

More than 2 out of 10 firms report steady or increased work and 4 in 10 firms plan to hire in the upcoming quarter.

Fifty-nine percent of respondents described their billable hours as "well above average" (6 percent), "slightly above average" (25 percent), or "average" (27 percent). Thirty percent said their hours were "slightly below average," and 10 percent said "well below average."

Firms all over the country had positive outlooks. One small Midwestern firm said its outlook for billable hours is "improving significantly," while a midsized northeastern firm said it has "just started receiving much larger commissions.”

A midsized southeastern firm said: "Given the state of the economy, we have been surprised about the seeming strong amount of inquiries."

Source: American Society of Landscape Architects (02/11/08)